July 07, 2007

Deidre and Ed came to visit

It is about time I met mom's old (not old, just of long ago) roomie - Deidre. And her husband Ed. They came and hung out with us for the fourth of July (and the girls and boys weekends). We went and ate cheesesteaks, did some of the touristy things like seeing Elfreth's alley (oldest residential street in the US), and saw a big bunny rat! They enjoyed temperatures of under 100 (they are from Phoenix).

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Girls weekend

Well actually mom and her friends had girls 23 hours (slightly less than planned) here at the pond. We promptly showed up the next day to enjoy it with them! They were so excited to see us! See the pond below.....
Estela and Cora hanging out
(part of) the whole gang at the pond
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part two

We also kayaked
and rode in a tractor
I helped untangle the kite string
and hung out on the hill with Simona
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the boys

While the girls were away, the boys played - on boy things. They took me on a tour of a battleship in New Jersey. First of all, what is that thing - not sure a wooden torpedo will do much. Second, do guns really need to be that big? However - this is all in preparation of my future career (according to dad) as a astronaut or fighter pilot or sail maker.

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Another grandparent visit!

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit in June - maybe the same one as below, I have lost track - and here are some pics of the times we spent together. Have to say, my cousin Nico is pretty cute.....I wonder when he is going to get a motorcycle?

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and she took these too

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Aunt Henrietta!

Aunt Henrietta came for a visit way back in April and mom is only now getting it together enought to actually post any pictures from that visit. I was a little younger and less mature back then, but the photos are still really good.

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And she took these lovely photos!