February 24, 2007


Daddy! Get that camera out of my face...I get shy when I eat!
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Snack Time

Er...I like snack time...and I like Cora's snack even more than my own. As you can see below, due to my superior size and age I generally get the upper hand in 'disagreements'. However - not shown are the advanced manuevers that Cora has pulled out of late. She had me out flat the other day. She has some pretty wicked skills...not the least of which is first deafening her victim with her teradactyl cries.

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February 18, 2007

Hanging Out

You can't see her in this picture, but I am just taking a quick photo break from hanging out with my cat, Paul. I like to take her for walks, it turns out she has this cool built in leash that extends behind her and is just the right height for me to hang on to.
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